Brainspotting is a neurobiological tool that we use within a trusted, therapeutic relationship. Along with EMDR and Havening Techniques ®, Brainspotting is a powerful treatment method that works deep within the brain to help a person identify, process and release areas of emotional pain that are stored in the body.
Brainspotting simultaneously diagnoses and treats trauma and powerful negative emotions through identifying a field of vision where those memories and emotions are activated. It works deep within the brain and body by directly accessing the autonomic and limbic systems of the body’s central nervous system. It allows a person to access memories and events that are out of reach of the conscious mind and beyond a person’s capacity to identify through talking.
Once this field of vision, and the attending emotional response is located, Brainspotting also provides the tools to neurobiologically focus, process and release the emotional power of these memories. It is often used in conjunction with Biolateral sound to create a deeply focused and contained therapeutic experience.
When these experiences of trauma and negative emotions have been processed and released, it allows other symptoms of trauma to be addressed and diminished. Along with our other therapies, Brainspotting can produce profound changes to a person’s psychological, emotional and physical health.